Facebook – The New Face of Advertisement?

As a Facebook user and a Facebook advertiser, I can assure you that I have opinions about why Facebook advertising is both amazing and a pain in the butt. However, for now, let’s focus on my opinions as a Facebook user.

In regards to advertisements (ads), I am not the biggest fan of how Facebook inserts several ads into my newsfeed. The few advertisements on the side panel make sense. However, the second post on my newsfeed, without fail, every time I refresh is a sponsored ad. (See below for an example)

facebook algorithmScreenshot from Alexandria Taylor’s newsfeed – Alexandria Cox

Beyond the annoyance of advertisements, I appreciate that most sponsored posts inform me about new products, services, or articles that I would not have been introduced to under different circumstances. For instance, three advertisements I have saved over the last few months include Thinx underwear, Dirty Lemon Detox, and Dollar Shave Club.

At this time I have only responded and ordered from Dollar Shave Club (DSC). I subscribed to DSC a couple of weeks ago because they made the right offer at the right time. The post that secured my engagement offered the first box for $1, and it showed up right after I failed to find my razor’s refills at a second Walgreens location. Moreover, my old refills cost about $14 while DSC automatically sends refills for $6.

On the other hand, I haven’t ordered Thinx underwear or Dirty Lemon Detox because I can’t see myself spending $33 or $65, respectively, for products that are essentially luxury items. Moreover, they are luxury items that solve problems I already have cheaper answers to.

Something I have noticed on Facebook is that once I like a page or follow a page, I don’t see sponsored posts from them anymore. I understand why brands would decide to stop spending money on my “impressions” once I start following their page. Typically I don’t follow or like a page until I have purchased a product or service from the company. Also, once I like a page, I can organically see posts from the organization.

Due to these circumstances, typically once a company becomes a preferred, liked, or followed social media page, I usually do not make purchases through their advertisements. At that point, I typically will purchase because of circumstances (i.e. running out of product) or a Friend’s recommendation.

-All included images are screenshots used for educational purposes and not intended to infringe upon Facebook’s copyrights or trademarks.

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